"We must make the building of a free society once more an intellectual adventure, a deed of courage." – F.A. von Hayek

Beiträge mit Schlagwort ‘Arabischer Frühling’

Manal al-Sharif (منال الشريف) über Drive for Freedom und die neuere Geschichte von Saudi Arabien

يمكن للطفل لن تكون حرة إذا كانت أمه ليست حرة. يمكن للزوج لا تكون مجانية إذا زوجته ليست حرة. والدي أحرار لا إذا بناتهم ليست مجانية.

Ein wirklich unglaublich lehrreicher, inspirierender und bewegender Vortrag einer sehr mutigen Frau.

Ubi Libertas, Ibi Patria.

I see the images of Azza Kamal Suleiman being beaten mercilessly and it deeply moves me. It really does!

Though you shouldn’t let your hopes down ever, I have a deep fear that the revolution in Egypt might toss a people into misery and send the so called facebook generation upon which the triumph of the revolt once leaned into decades of darkness.

I’d rather see the country turn into a region’s beacon of hope, but if our brothers and sisters in mind should not succeed, thousands of political activists and bloggers will need a hope seek refuge. Just like 160 years ago German revolutionaries had to flee to the USA. Ubi libertas, ibi patria!

!عيد ميلاد سعيد نجيب محفوظ

Happy 100th Birthday Nagib Mahfuz! I wonder what you might have said about the changes that came about your country over the last 16 months. I really do!
I hope that there is a time ahead when they publish more new books in Arabic than in Greek (a petrifying fact  I learned this week).
And I hope, that they will have أولاد حارتنا in public libraries and read it in schools around the region when this time comes. This would be my wishes for your birthday.
